Announcing the 2024 Free At 50 Summer Interview Series Focused On the 6-Step Checklist to Escape the 9-5: 6 Entrepreneurs Share Their Experience

Announcing the 2024 Free At 50 Summer Interview Series Focused On the 6-Step Checklist to Escape the 9-5: 6 Entrepreneurs Share Their Experience

Jun 05, 2024

What is the Free At 50 Summer Interview Series?

I’ve made it a habit (tradition maybe?) to share 9-5 escape stories but also… interviews with people I’ve met on this journey who inspire me. Motivate me. Educate me. The summer of 2024 kicking off here in June will be no different.

This year’s topic for the series is foundational to the theme of this Free At 50 blog: questions related to each step of the 6-Step Checklist to Escape the 9-5 I’ve created to support you on the journey. You’ll meet 6 entrepreneurs, and see their tips, ideas, and beliefs with regards to each step. Get their take on entrepreneurship and use what you can to move you forward with your permanent 9-5 escape!

RELATED: See past interviews by clicking here.

Necessary disclaimer: As a blogger, I use affiliate links sometimes! I may receive commission from purchases I share; it does not change your price but sometimes you might get a discount.

Photo by Tejas Shah on Unsplash

Breaking down the topics.

As mentioned above, the questions I’ve sent off to each entrepreneur for this year’s summer series are based on the 6-Step Checklist to Escape the 9-5 I created for y’all.

Step 1: Find Your Why

I’ve said it before, and I’ll keep saying it. Your “why” isn’t about “making money.” My perspective: your why is the reason you want to earn income differently; in the way you want to earn it. For me it’s about priorities- putting my family first, living location-independent, having my health (because that is everything!) and simply enjoying a life of time freedom.

A few posts to inspire thought on finding your why:

· No 7-figure income is necessary. Click here.

· My creation of the history blog. Click here.

· Sheenia’s guest post about her journey out of 9-5. Click here.

Step 2: Shift Your Mindset

Yes, I know- the term “mindset” is SOOO overused. But if the shoe fits…I’ll keep it simple. Going from employee to entrepreneur means you are the brand. It means you have to ditch the idea that many of us were conditioned to: that you set an alarm, accommodate your schedule, follow the rules, clock in and clock out but always be available… invest in a degree, climb the ladder and so on.

A favorite way of mine is to pause and think about a new perspective: quotes!

In fact, one of my most-read posts on this blog continues to be an article where I’ve shared four of the best in my opinion. These quotes really do offer up a mindset shift from the traditional 9-5 approach to your worth, time, and chosen path.

Click here and check them out.

Step 3: Narrow Your Options

You have many many talents and skills. You’ve earned them all. USE THEM for you!

An important step on the path to building life outside the 9-5: narrowing down your options for earning income in your new Free At 50 lifestyle life.

The checklist worksheet for every step is important and the one for Step 3 can get you focused on how you can use your talents and skills to turn passion into a business.

Step 4: Research The Best Fit

Researching the best fit may include trying out a couple of your narrowed-down options.

  • What would you need to do to make each option a reality?
  • What would your day-to-day life look like with each option?
  • Is it really what you want?

Yes, you guessed it- grab the checklist here and use the worksheets!

Step 5: Build Your Toolkit

It’s as simple as it sounds. You must have the tools and resources you need. Period. Invest in yourself and your new life. Whether it’s an e-book, a business coach, a course… have a budget for it. And investing also includes your time. Don’t grab a tool that can help you and let it “sit on the shelf” so to speak.

Step 6: Take Action

This isn’t the final step- it’s ongoing. I’ve created the checklist with the idea in mind that you can always print off another sheet. Revisit any and all steps. Constantly take action. (and BTW imperfect action is OK!)

Closing it out: 5 simple and quick action items

  • Click here to get the checklist. (if you already have it, print a copy)
  • Click here to read my post about using the checklist- and get started.
  • Click here to join my Ditching the 9-5 Facebook group where we’re spending the next few months focused on the 6 steps!
  • Subscribe to this blog using the form on this page and do not miss a single interview- have them sent directly to your inbox!

Using the checklist consistently and revisiting the steps you need to as you need to will be useful, no doubt. And having it in mind as you check out the interviews I post throughout the summer: priceless to making the most of them.

Want a bit of help with any of the steps?

Book a FREE call here to chat with me about it and if you want to take a deeper dive, with some accountability and customized action items along the way- we can use my 3-2-1 program structure to make it happen- ask me how!

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