10 Coaches Share the Value of Working with a Coach: Supporting the Escape of the 9-5

10 Coaches Share the Value of Working with a Coach: Supporting the Escape of the 9-5

Mar 31, 2021


There are a lot of great free resources out there supporting escape of the 9-5 and I’m not saying to ignore them. There are ways to use them in your journey to professional freedom.

  • For initial research.

  • Once you know what you need to focus on, be selective and use them to enhance your work education and reach your goals.

But ultimately, investing money as well as time is critical. Investing in a coach and then, potentially, following up on the freebies that are part of a funnel (meaning do this, then the next step/offer from that person) and making a purchase for a deeper dive and more extensive training needed for your business.

So get your head in the right mindset: that you can set aside money (and should) to pay someone to guide you to success and earning income. (Because really those can be one and the same but in my opinion are not. But that is a whole other topic.)

If you want to work with me... let's chat about my 3-2-1 Take Action offer! Click here.

Disclosure: As a blogger, I use affiliate links sometimes! I may receive commission from purchases I share, but it does not change your price.

Photo by Michael Longmire on Unsplash

The cost of a coach, or more accurately, of not using one.

I’ve spoken to many entrepreneurs who thought they could do it on their own. And maybe they can, but at what cost (time and money) before getting to where they want to be with a business or lifestyle?

Whether your gig is/will be blogging or not, Sally Miller’s The Essential Habits of 6-Figure Bloggers really dives into the “how” of each story. It shines a light on the reality of creating a business.

For me, and so many others I’m meeting on this journey into professional freedom and out of corporate life, hiring a coach is priceless. As someone who went to college, even 30 years ago it costs thousands of dollars a year.

Spending hundreds or even a couple thousand on a coach, yep, makes sense.

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

4 Questions, 10 Coaches

I asked 10 coaches one of 4 questions to help you visualize the value of working with a coach. Each coach has a completely different personality, vibe, and talent. The diversity makes the possibilities endless.

Grab your coffee, iced tea, beer, or wine and enjoy. Get inspired to make a move.

Maybe even schedule a discovery call by reaching out.

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

Question 1: Tell me why you first hired a coach and how you translate that into your discovery calls?

Nora Luke:

I first hired a coach because I was looking for direction for a new business. Honestly, I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted to create a new lifestyle and have my own business. One way that my initial ‘why’ translates to potential client discovery calls, is many women simply need permission to make a change or validation that their idea is valuable. I also offer corporate exit strategy calls, so women can visualize and understand how their business can replace their current income within 12 months.

About Nora: Nora and I crossed paths and worked on projects together during our past corporate life. She has led by example ditching the 9-5 and is using her experience to get others on the path of using their skills for their calling.

Reach Nora: Her FB group

Lindsay Sacco:

Even as a business coach myself, I knew that I needed another set of eyes on my business to help me process my goals, talk through my strategies, and help keep my mindset strong while I was entering a brand-new stage in life: running my OWN business. I decided to hire my first 1:1 coach because she had been in my shoes only 7 months prior and was able to achieve the big milestones that I was working towards. She started working with me even before I signed onto her program.

I follow her philosophy of sharing value before my clients hire me. When we hop on the discovery call, I make SURE to give tangible advice to them, whether we work together or not, and insist that they don't make a decision until they've had a chance to think! I want my clients to walk away feeling like we're a match made in coaching heaven.

About Lindsay: I met Lindsay through the online entrepreneur community and her excitement to support others came through seconds into our first discussion.

Reach Lindsay: Forza Collective

Joyce Slaughter:

When I hired my first coach in 2013, I had no defined purpose or intention but knew I was lost, and I needed a guide. And I bought into the idea that everyone needed a coach once in a while. The challenge is when you don't have a clear reason for doing something, you aren't likely to get results. How do you go from point A to some other point without defining what that point is? It's like just getting in the car and driving around until you run out of gasoline. I had been in a group with that coach so when there was no intake call, I didn't think much of it, I assumed he knew me well enough.

In hindsight, I'm not sure if he was incompetent or overly confident- maybe a little of both. This experience is not repeated with my clients. I have a set of standard questions that are designed to assess if the client has set the bar for their experience with a coach including ensuring they know where they want to be at the end of our time together and how they want to FEEL. We will work through these questions during our first meeting together and if we are not a professional fit, I will provide referrals or suggestions as appropriate.

About Joyce: I’ve known Joyce for many years and my recent life change out of corporate and into entrepreneurship brought us back together. She focuses on gratitude and you can read her story here on FreeAt50.

Reach Joyce: Click to her Linktr.ee account here.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Question 2: What should you ask a coach you are considering hiring?

Hannah Shtein:

I look for coaches who really care about their clients and who provide a personalized approach rather than a one-size-fits-all strategy, so I'd ask how they see supporting me and my business specifically and how they'd be able to help me grow and expand.

I'd get clear on my own goals for the coaching relationship before meeting with anyone so I could articulate exactly what I wanted to them and ensure they'd be able to support that - there are so many different approaches so it's important to be clear on what you're looking for so you're able to filter out what you don't want. (for ex: are you looking for someone who is very focused on mindset, or strategy, or both? What specific parts of your life or business do you want to work on, and does the coach have tools for this?).

About Hannah: Hannah helps new and aspiring coaches and service-based business owners start and scale heart centered online businesses so they can leave the 9-5.

Reach Hannah: Her Instagram account

Michelle Cornies:

As a coach who serves clients and a coach who has been a client of coaches, qualifying your coach is an important step for the success of any relationship. Depending on the coach you are considering, the questions you ask may be more detailed to their specific niche. If I had to choose one question as most important for any type of coach, it would be “Have you worked with clients in the past that were in the same situation I am in now?”.

When you are investing in yourself, for either self-improvement or your business or both, knowing that your coach has experience with your specific problem or niche upfront can provide a sense of relief and help you make your decision. It will also prevent you from being an experimental case study that may or may not get the results you paid for. Before you hire, there should be some sort of communication in which you are able to explain your situation and ask questions. If the entire conversation was spent with the coach pitching you, and not getting to know you or trying to understand your situation, you may want to reconsider.

About Michelle: Michelle is a confidence and success coach who hosts a private online community of female entrepreneurs. She supports success and growth of female entrepreneurs.

Question 3: What is the most important factor in making the decision to invest in a coach?

Meghan Stockman:

There are so many coaches that have made an impact on my ability to move forward. Coming from a technical background, the first coach I took the leap to invest in was one that could help me set up my tech! I needed to learn to actually set up my courses etc. But the more I am in this world I realize that the biggest shifts I have had have come from coaches that push me to think differently than I did in the corporate world.

Guiding me to be comfortable in a world that has no list of things to conquer for promotion. Teaching me to believe in my worth on a scale of what I am saving people instead of how many hours I put in. To me the most important coaches are the ones that can show you the path to belief in yourself. You can hire out the tech, you can't hire out your experience, your knowledge, or your voice.

About Meghan: Meghan’s goal is to help others unlock their skills, confidence, and mindset to move forward designing a life of freedom.

Reach Meghan: Successful Happy Entrepreneurs Facebook Group

Corrie LoGiudice:

By far the most important factor in deciding to invest in a coach is whether you feel comfortable enough to be truly honest with them. When I'm asked this question (which is often!) I usually like to describe it as interviewing your coach the same way you'd interview a therapist. In order to see true transformation and personal growth, you need to be fully honest and transparent with your mentor.

They also need to be authentic enough to share that they feel they can share the same level of honesty with you. If they do not have the ability or the permission from you to be able to call out what you can't see yourself, you'll be no further along than you were before you started working with them.

About Corrie: Corrie LoGiudice is a business strategist, coach and TEDx speaker who helps people become entrepreneurs. I met her on her quest to learn more about the needs of entrepreneurs.

Reach Corrie: Corrie LoGuidice’s website

Question 4: What expectations should you have regarding results from hiring a coach?

Stacie Sadek:

There are a number of things you can expect from working with a coach starting with gaining clarity on your vision, dreams, and goals, and ending with launching and scaling your dream business so you have the flexibility to live the life you desire. While helping you become more resilient, we can help clients get out of their heads, developing strategies to cut the negative self-talk.

All of this brings forward the confidence to break the rules, step out of your comfort zone and shift your mindset. From a practical standpoint, coaches can help you develop time management strategies as well, all to keep you moving forward.

About Stacie: Stacie has become a colleague in my world of solopreneur. Her no nonsense approach from experience is to assist others that are burned out and ready to ditch corporate life. Read more on her guest post for FreeAt50.

Reach Stacie: StacieSadek LC

Stephanie Wizman:

When working with a coach, assuming they're the right fit for you and the problem you want to solve, you can expect to discover exactly what's been keeping you from having your desired outcome and what the most powerful needle movers are to get you where you want to go. Whether it be in health, finances, relationships or your life purpose, a coach will work to uncover the root of your resistances, help move you past your fears, and provide a powerful system for you to get what you most want out of life.

We're human and many of our fun features have us getting in our own way when it comes to making positive change in our lives. Even when we know exactly what to do, we don't always do it! Coaching is results driven and specific to your unique set of circumstances so you can finally take bold action towards your goals.

About Stephanie: Stephanie is a methodical thinker and a go-getter I met as she was looking to interview women starting their life as business owners and creators. She has always been helping people and now she focuses on that one-on-one as a business owner herself.

Reach Stephanie: ALIGNMENT Coaching

Victoria Watson:

For a client I think they have to be clear on what their expectations are from hiring a coach from the beginning and ask those important questions to make sure the coach they are hiring is a great fit for their specific needs. This is why a clarity or discovery call for me is so important to get a better understanding of where someone is at and where they need support right now. I need to know that I can help them.

In terms of results, having a clear roadmap in place which makes the client feel confident on how the coaching container looks and what they are receiving in terms of support sets the partnership up for success. Ultimately a coach can never ‘promise' results because there are a number of factors at play. For example, the best results come when the client is committed to doing the work, showing up and the coach is there to walk by their side and keep them accountable.

About Victoria: I was immediately impressed with Victoria’s story and how she went from corporate life to success coach, using her skills to help others in their journey as she now lives her dream in two countries. A total location independent lifestyle. Read her guest post for FreeAt50 here.

Reach Victoria: Victoria J. Watson’s website

Call to Action: consider the possibilities.

Have you utilized a coach for any aspect of your professional life? Researching options, scheduling a discovery call, and just being open to new ways to get the professional freedom and lifestyle you want doesn’t cost anything. It may be worth it, for free, to see what hiring a coach might bring to your life.

And to really kickstart your journey, download my 6-Step Checklist to Escape the 9-5 here, and watch the video below on Step 1, an interview with coach Meghan Stockman.

Book a call with me and let's get you started into action with my 3-2-1 offer!

Cheers to the next chapter and being free at, or by 50… or 55… or 60. Here’s to the future!

Finding your Why: A Free At 50 Interview