When Facebook Responses Inspire a Blog Post: What is Your Why for Ditching the 9-5 Life to Become an Entrepreneur?

When Facebook Responses Inspire a Blog Post: What is Your Why for Ditching the 9-5 Life to Become an Entrepreneur?

May 15, 2024

As a GenXer looking at the back half of life I can honestly say this: money is NOT my why.

If I’m honest, I don’t believe it ever was. But now, as I am solidly past the big 5-0, I know it’s not. This blog is a testament to my heartfelt motivation for being a blogger: my priorities in life are my health, my family, and enjoying every possible moment I have left on this earth. What is your why?

When I put this topic out for discussion in my Ditching the 9-5 Facebook group, I quickly learned that as diverse the members are, one commonality shone through: it isn’t about the money. The members of this community share a core philosophy that they’re choosing to earn income outside the 9-5 to live what I’ve coined a “Free At 50 lifestyle.”

And it inspired this blog post. As we dive into step 1 on my 6-Step Checklist to Escape the 9-5, “Find Your Why,” I decided to do what I love to do on this blog: share inspiration from others, not just me.

RELATED: Click here to download the 6-Step Checklist to Escape the 9-5, created to support you on the journey of building your next chapter.

Necessary disclaimer: As a blogger, I use affiliate links sometimes! I may receive commission from purchases I share; it does not change your price but sometimes you might get a discount.

asking a question to a Facebook community full of people to understand their why for ditching 9-5 life

Photo by Ana Municio on Unsplash

5 “Find Your Why” replies with a common thread.

Here’s the Facebook thread I dropped:


I mean, I'll take it but it doesn't motivate me. Here is what does:

  • having my health is everything
  • the best things in life are free (or almost free!)
  • I don't need as much money to enjoy life as I thought I did


Following are the 5 replies I’m motivated to share with you- members of my Free At 50 world! No two are doing the same thing but all have a passion for their endeavors and for owning their time.

soft image of putting the puzzle pieces together indicating understanding your why

Photo by Vadim Bogulov on Unsplash

Gali Cabili- THE Social Strategist and one of my favorite marketing gurus!


My business gives me the freedom to create my own schedule, do what I love and help other business owners. Time is the only thing we never get back, spending time with family is precious.”

Get to Gali’s website by clicking here – then use her expertise to get visible online.

Felecia McCants- a savvy Financial Coach helping others achieve clarity around cash-flow.


We all have different goals. The money is a tool that buys more time with family, expertise and the ability to create memories! Nothing wrong with rich, but what are you going to do with the money?

That's the real goal!”

Learn more about Felecia’s services here.

Misty Lewis- a decade younger than me and on the path out of teaching full-time.


Money is nice and allows you to do what you want and help others - but spending my TIME the way I want to is most important to me - I can always make more money, but I can never make more time.”

Check out Misty’s Sprint to Print course here and add digital product creation to your business.

Gina Fischer

“I want enough money to provide for me and my family and to be able to give some away to those who need it.

And have some time to spend with my family and friends.”

See Gina’s new business as The Family Court Mentor here on Facebook and here on Instagram - give her a follow as she kicks off her social media presence.

Rachel Whittaker Jones

“Like a lot of y’all, I started my business for 1️ simple reason. Freedom over when & where I work.

These freedoms have really come in handy this past week with 4 trips to the fertility doctor in 7 days. I didn’t have to get permission from my boss to come in late. Instead I could build my work schedule around this important time in me and my husband’s life — building our family.

Like one of the other commenters said, you can always make more money. Not more time. So true.”

Join Rachel’s Facebook group here- it’s where she shares her expertise on utilizing your personal story to attract clients.

time in focus as a priority

Photo by Andrik Langfield on Unsplash

That’s it y’all – clear indication that no matter our skills, history, work experience, or passions- the Free At 50 world is made up of a mess of humans who have one common goal: using money as a means to an end, not the end.

The end being time, family… priorities of LIVING LIFE. With that… don’t leave before using the calls to action list below that I’ve created to close out the post!

RELATED: Click here to read the “no need for 7-figures” post.

Want more inspiration? Here are my closing calls to action.

  1. Subscribe to this blog. (there’s a form on this page!)
  2. Read more posts here sharing inspiration- it’s May so I’m recommending:

And of course: Book a call with me by clicking here to talk about your “why” and your goals by clicking here. Type WHY in the booking notes!

hourglass in the spotlight next to fresh flowers denoting owning your time

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

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