Meet Michele Leah: From Miserable and Burnt Out to Cancer-Free and Prioritizing Happiness and Freedom as an Entrepreneur

Meet Michele Leah: From Miserable and Burnt Out to Cancer-Free and Prioritizing Happiness and Freedom as an Entrepreneur

Jul 31, 2024

Michele Leah brings a smile to my face every single day.

It's clear Michele's life-changing move to prioritizing happiness is contagious.

Whatever you believe about becoming cancer-free, visualization, and business coaches in general, Michele may bring it all into perspective with her story. Her realistic, yet sunny outlook on life literally makes my day.

It's why I pinned her Facebook group and am so blessed to have her in my feed- all the time. We have more than switching our lifestyle to a healthier one in common; we both see that money isn't the top priority.

Like Lauren, Shea, and Deanna, her path may be different than yours or mine but- the goal is the same: create a life of time freedom. So I offer you another interview to inspire your 9-5 escape.

RELATED: My freedom post about not wanting a 7-figure income, though I'll take it!

Michele's bio:

Michele Leah is the mastermind behind a multi-8-figure business, helping you 20x your income, freedom, and impact with the Align 2 Profit System™. She is a certified NLP Practitioner, IFC, Entrepreneurship, and Business Coach.

After battling cancer for over a year, she took massive action to remove toxins from her life. Just a few weeks later, she was cancer-free, sparking her newfound purpose to help female entrepreneurs build a life and business they love too.

Necessary disclaimer: As a blogger, I use affiliate links sometimes! I may receive commission from purchases I share; it does not change your price but sometimes you might get a discount.

Michele's experience with cancer led her to both prioritize happiness and believe in herself.

Michele Leah's answers to my questions about every step on the 6-Step Checklist to Escape the 9-5 will give you pause, cheer her on, and ultimately, grab some serious inspo on how believing in yourself is vital.

Step 1: Finding Your Why. What is your why? Not money... but why you want to earn income by doing what you do the way you do it...outside the 9-5?

After building a multi-8-figure business, I was still pretty miserable. I was so burnt out, I was literally killing myself. Cue cancer. And after a year of cancer treatment that was not working I healed myself naturally in less than a few weeks.

This was a huge awakening.

That was the moment that sparked my strong purpose to help other women increase their income and impact, while prioritizing happiness and freedom first.

single healthy cherry coming into focus

Photo by Yura Batiushyn on Unsplash

Step 2: Shift Your Mindset. What mindset shift is/was necessary for you going from 9-5 life to becoming an entrepreneur?

The biggest mindset shift going from 9-5 life to becoming an entrepreneur was belief.

Having belief that you can be, do, or have whatever you desire and create that life is key. Becoming an entrepreneur takes an enormous amount of patience, resilience and determination.

As long as you believe that it is happening even if you do not see it yet, you will keep going despite the many obstacles, and ultimately succeed.

Step 3: Narrow Your Options. How did you narrow all your options to land on the business you've chosen?

Initially, I wanted to help other women who had struggled with trauma and PTSD. So despite having an entirely different business, I immersed myself in learning as many tools as possible to help them.

As I started working with women, I realized this was my purpose and was for me. And like clockwork, suddenly I realized that all of my clients were also female entrepreneurs. This made sense as I have 20+ years building/growing/scaling businesses from scratch and innovating product lines.

It is then that I created my methodology and business model - The 3Bs of Business which merges your Being (energetic state), Beliefs (mindset), and Blueprint (strategic plan) to 20x your income, freedom, and impact.

bright flowers representing Michele Leah's system of 3 Bs

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Step 4: Research The Best Fit. Once you narrowed your options down, what type of research led you to your current approach to business (even your branding and/or your ideal client?

My business is really the culmination of all of my life and business experiences. This includes building multiple businesses, and also diving deeply into learning... including multiple Coaching certifications including an NLP and ICF, a BFA in Graphic Communications/Design, Master of Science in Digital Imaging, a Creative Writing certification, and completely immersing myself into personal growth.

My methodology stemmed from my belief that energetics, mindset, and strategy all impact our goals equally. And as mentioned above, my ideal client came to me initially; which in hindsight all makes sense from my experiences.

Step 5: Build Your Toolkit. Howe did you determine what tools you'll need and where did you start?

I started honing my skills as a coach and started coaching to gain more experience for low cost. I also immersed myself in learning and started with taking every course I could to be the best in my field- topics such as:

  • marketing
  • sales
  • mindset
  • technology

I am lucky to be a designer who built a design team. Although I did not have web experience, I did build my own site initially so I could publish a blog. I also built a Facebook community very quickly - from 0 to 1000 members in less than a month and 10,000 female entrepreneurs in about a year.

During this time, I honed my skills as a coach and online leader. If I were to do this again, I would just get started without the tech. Be a master at your craft.

Michele Leah advised becoming a master at your craft, read take courses hone skills

Photo by Jakub Żerdzicki on Unsplash

Step 6: Take Action. What one piece of advice would you give to anyone working on creating life outside the 9-5 that will help them take action?

Hire me. (she smiles)

My one piece of advice is the best way to start is by starting. Tap into why you want to do this, decide, and commit. Visualize where you are going and back into your goals, taking one small step to get there every single day.

At first you will be walking and before you know it, as momentum builds, you will be running. Know that success may take time and even if you don't see it yet, if you are moving towards it, you are doing it.

Free At 50 calls to action:

  • Subscribe to this blog and get all the interviews in your inbox (as well as every other article added to Free At 50!).
  • Download the 6-Step Checklist to Escape the 9-5 and if you already have... what step are you on? Comment!

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