Plot Twist: I Forgot to Include Parent Help in My 2025 Blog Blueprint!

Plot Twist: I Forgot to Include Parent Help in My 2025 Blog Blueprint!

Jan 21, 2025

It's a midlife thing, isn't it?

When I jumped onto a podcast created by my old high school friends Lisa and Lana, I had no idea that within days, it'd have direct impact on me. The topic: helping your parents.

Right before Christmas 2024, I got a frantic call from my mom. Chaos, fear, confusion- my dad collapsed and she was navigating everything from getting to the hospital (she doesn't drive) to finding out if he'd survive, to answering the dreaded DNR (Do Not RESUSCITATE) question.

My sister was a few hours away; I was on the opposite coast. She got there the next morning and I began a plan to fly out on a one-way ticket. After this debilitating heart attack, he is currently on the mend. It's a process and we are grateful to the God we believe in, the fantastic medical professionals, and caring neighbors.

Here's the thing: I knew when I decided to step away from 9-5 life, it was a matter of time before a call like this would come. Aging me = aging parents.

And after three weeks, I'm still here- likely for another couple.

RELATED: Click here to listen and subscribe to Lisa and Lana's podcast about helping your parents.

Necessary disclaimer: As a blogger, I use affiliate links sometimes! I may receive commission from purchases I share; it does not change your price but sometimes you might get a discount.

Entrance for appointment with parents.

Prioritizing what matters is a priority.

Priories matter. For me, health and family are at the top of the list. If you've been following the blog, you know that my Covid layoff was a blessing. It was the turning point: I left 9-5 life and all it's conditions and rules to live the Free At 50 life.

  • What are your priorities?
  • Are you able to drop everything if someone you love needs you?
  • Have you experienced any plot twists midlife?

I'm not trying to inject fear into your mind. The opposite in fact.

I AM trying to inspire you to do what moves you. To use your years of skills and experience to create a life in which your priorities actually have the ability to be prioritized.

While focusing on my parents, I'm able to work while here. That's the beauty of being in charge of my life and schedule. I'm hitting my history "reading list!"

Benjamin Franklin's autobiography, studying for the history blog.

Breaking down my focus of this blog for 2025: in summary.

Although I determined that the history blog is where I'll be shifting my main business, this blog is not going anywhere. It's important to share what I've learned and the people I meet to ensure readers seeking the information get it. I want everyone to have the life you want, whatever Free At 50 means to you.

So for 2025, I'm focusing this blog on what has always been the mission:

  • tools
  • inspiration
  • and resources for ditching the 9-5 (and creating your version of Free At 50 life!)

All posts this year will be clearly under at least one of those umbrellas. I have content ideas I'm excited about researching and sharing throughout the year.

As far social media- though my Facebook group is pausing, it won't be eliminated. I will continue with both Linked In and my Free At 50 Facebook page. And- I'll be able to un-pause the group at any time.

My focus for Free At 50 will be blog posts, so if you haven't subscribed, now is the time!

Walking in my parents' neighborhood.