My Top 5 Entrepreneurship Tips to Keep you Motivated

My Top 5 Entrepreneurship Tips to Keep you Motivated

Feb 09, 2022

Meet Shea, who is a natural when it comes to using her skills in her entrepreneurship journey.

I met Shea and we totally clicked on one of my favorite topics about entrepreneurship: mindset. We are completely different but have something major in common: we both left corporations and are building life outside the 9-5. She’s a wife and mom of two. Her blog is centered around personal growth, business, and being a parent.

And recently, she’s truly evolved as an entrepreneur- she is a published author of steamy paranormal romances.

Note: As a blogger, I use affiliate links sometimes! I may receive commission from purchases I share, but it does not change your price.

When she’s not working, she enjoys traveling with my family. Our ultimate goals are different, yet the same: own our time. And although we are doing different things, our paths are crisscrossing. And I will be using her checklist to help me self-publish my first e-book!

Check out this video interview I did with her on my Facebook group about evolving as an entrepreneur and read her top tips on entrepreneurship below!

reading a book at night

Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash

Entrepreneurship felt very daunting when I first started but it's really quite a lot of fun!

Many know that when I started my entrepreneurial journey it was through direct sales. Though I didn't stick with it, that was the spark that led me down a journey I fell in love with.

Whether you're just starting out or are a seasoned vet already here are some of my top tips for you on your journey!

sharpened pencils to take notes on how to self-publish a book
Photo credit: free stock photos from Groove

1 Mindset Entrepreneurship Tips

The number one thing I heard over and over again when I got started was, what is your why? Every guru of the internet was asking me that question, why do you want to be successful as an entrepreneur?

So, now I'm asking you, what is it that makes entrepreneurship appealing to you? Because if your reasoning for getting into this doesn't spark something visceral in you, you might not have the stomach for the journey.

I don't say that to hurt your feelings or deter you. I say that to make sure that you want this with everything you've got. That's a key component in the game.

Related: Get the Free At 50 6-Step Checklist to Escape the 9-5, number 1 being Find Your Why, here. And if you want to talk it through, book a quick and FREE call with me here. Type 'checklist' in the booking notes!

have coffee available and your laptop ready to discuss the 6-step checklist to escape the 9-5 by Daphne Free At 50

Photo by Kilian Seiler on Unsplash

2 Everything ebbs and flows.

That's a fact of life and business. You will gain and lose followers, subscribers, and money on this entrepreneurship journey. Just the same as you may lose friends and lifestyle habits as you get further on the road.

But the practical part of this lesson is to diversify! Similar to a stock portfolio, you don't want all of your eggs in one basket. That way, when one thing is down, another can be up, and you can still be making money even when you're failing in one area.

Network Marketing boss, Chalene Johnson does a reel explaining her multiple streams of income. Success leaves clues!

multiple eggs symbolizing multiple streams of income

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

3 Practical Entrepreneurship Tips

Like I said above, diversification will allow you to create multiple streams of income, ensuring that something's gotta give. But that is extremely overwhelming to consider when you're just getting started!

Take it in small bites, entrepreneurship can and should allow you to actualize your dreams, but not all at once! Think about it in terms of what do you need right now, and what does your business need? Allow yourself and your business the freedom to change, without changing like the wind.

Trying different ventures in your entrepreneurial journey is great but be sure to stick with one thing before moving right into the next. If it has been a year and nothing is moving on one of your ventures, change your strategy or change it altogether!

If you're strapped for cash, you have no businesses moving, what is one thing you can do to make money now? The answer to that is probably selling things you already own on Facebook or similar sites. But if you're established and you have a website, social media presence, and something to sell, what makes sense for your business?

grow and diversify your business is a tip for entrepreneurship

Image by J Garget from Pixabay

4 Try, try, and try again!

Let's assume you have a baseline for your business, you have an online presence, something to sell, and a niche. What would your business benefit from?

Trying different social media platforms and business ventures is a great idea. How else can you grow your entrepreneurship journey if not? But the same principle applies, try a different social media platform, and see how it goes. If it doesn't work right away, it doesn't mean it won't, but maybe you need to learn more about the platform and how to sell to the audience there.

And as you try new additions to your business, see what's working and what's not. I recently published a low-content book, but that's additional to my main business of romance novels. If my low-content book isn't selling at all, I'm not going to keep trying to sell it.

See what successful entrepreneurs in your field have done and what they are doing now. Success leaves clues, but entrepreneurship is all about creating a life and business that you want!

tip to grow your business by creating multiple streams of income and diversifying

Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay

5 Be like Madonna.

Oprah, Mark Cuban, Will Smith, name a celebrity that's made it a while and see how they've stayed relevant all of this time and you'll have your answer. Their acting and other careers can go up and down, but they also have books, clothing lines, and other ventures to supplement their income.

Secondly, they use their celebrity status to provide value to other people. How does your business help someone else? Whether you're selling a course that teaches people or you're donating proceeds to a charity, people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.

On your entrepreneurship journey be sure to stake your claim on who you help, how, and why. Plant your flag on what it is that you do and show your audience that you care for them.

What actions can you take today to take your business to the next level?

Remember that this is your business as much as it is your life. Don't give up before you get to the gold, and don't go for silver if what you want is gold!

Reach Shea:

Shea Hulse author of Celtic romance novels including Fireflies

Buy Shea's books on Amazon
