My Goal is NOT Becoming a YouTube Star: It's About Building the Free At 50 Brand

My Goal is NOT Becoming a YouTube Star: It's About Building the Free At 50 Brand

May 01, 2024

Marketing is vital for entrepreneurship and Google loves video.

Have you done a Google search lately? YouTube videos show up. And my dear friend and brand strategist Blaire Brown told me if I wanted to get my Search Engine Optimization (SEO) fully optimizing why oh why am I NOT uploading all the videos I do in my Facebook group- and she's got a point.

Disclosure: As a blogger, I use affiliate links sometimes! I may receive commission from purchases I share, but it does not change your price.

In fact, I wrote an entire blog post dedicated to the fact that the fastest way to repurpose content for social is to create a video- and yes, I've been doing that. So yes, also add to that: you can upload those videos onto YouTube and up your SEO game with Google!

(BTW Blaire's advice is solid: you can purchase Blaire's Business Launch Lab program here if you want to do all the basics to launch a business now!)

Here's the intro to my You Tube channel and yes, you can subscribe by clicking to watch it on YouTube- I won't be upset!

Let's talk branding.

Breaking it down: my goal really is NOT to become a YouTube star (not intentionally anyway!) but to elevate the Free At 50 brand.

If you want to be found online, you need to be online. And you need to be consistent in your message and recognizable. That's my goal. And why it makes sense to upload what I'm already creating into YouTube.

Other ways to build your brand:

  • collaborations with others who share your target audience- for me, I love to do guest posts on other blogs- example here in a post for GenX on the Balancing Midlife blog
  • creating a blog to share you expertise (I can help! Click here.)
  • utilizing Canva for your graphics

Ditching the 9-5 Facebook group for inspiration, tools and resources to aid in corporate escape

Canva graphic for Free At 50's Facebook group.

Let's talk the value of video.

I'm a writer and I love to read. But sometimes a video is a fantastic way to see things differently. Conversational content can help a concept really click. Then the follow up can be the blog post or other written material to use as a reference.

Do you prefer learning visually or through reading?

Either way (or both!), you may have followers that prefer one over the other. My opinion: both have a place in every business.

Global Media Insight (GMI) put together staggering stats about YouTube use- including that YouTube accounts for about 25% of global mobile traffic. It's also technically the 2nd largest search engine after Google. WOW. See GMI's full article and read more of their research by clicking here.

Closing it out.

My three calls to action:
1) repurpose your content into video
2) create a YouTube channel and upload any/all videos related to your business

3) book a FREE call with me to discuss and type YOU TUBE in the booking notes

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