Meet Deanna Wheeler: She's Answering a Calling Teaching Meditation and Mindfulness

Meet Deanna Wheeler: She's Answering a Calling Teaching Meditation and Mindfulness

Jul 17, 2024

Deanna and I couldn't be more different yet so much the same.

We're both determined to turn our passion into a long-term income-earning plan.

Deanna is as passionate about mindfulness as I am about writing. Her goal of time freedom and location-independence (she loves to go explore with her family!) is something I share with her.

While our paths may be different, we have that common goal and have been supporting each other every step of the way. She's written a guest post for this blog and I even affiliate for her products and programs as she launches them!

It's a given I need to share her journey on the 6 steps of 9-5 escape.

Deanna's bio:

Deanna started teaching meditation to help people focus on what truly matters, being part of their life instead of watching it pass them by. She sees how we often don’t know how to be an active participant in life, we're not present and aware of what is happening. So she teaches practical mindfulness tools that can be used to help regulate emotions, increase attention, and practice self-kindness.

Her mission is to help you get off the sidelines so you can really LIVE your life!

RELATED: Read Deanna's guest post focused on shifting your mindset by clicking here.

Mindful Living Mastery Deanna Wheeler teaching meditation and mindefulness

Necessary disclaimer: As a blogger, I use affiliate links sometimes! I may receive commission from purchases I share; it does not change your price but sometimes you might get a discount.

Check out Deanna's comprehensive approach to every step on her journey.

Clearly, Deanna walks the walk she talks. Mindfulness and meditation is her calling but also her practice. This includes her approach to business as well as life and her responses to my questions about every step on the 6-Step Checklist to Escape the 9-5 exemplifies it. Be inspired y'all!

Step 1: Finding Your Why. What is your why? Not money... but why you want to earn income by doing what you do the way you do it...outside the 9-5?

My "why" has always been about making a tangible difference in the lives of others. I chose to teach meditation and mindfulness because I've seen first-hand the the transformative power these practices can have. They bring people into the present moment, enrich their experiences, and empower them to actively participate in their own lives.

For me, this work is far beyond earning an income; it's about answering a calling. By stepping outside the conventional 9-5, I can reach people in a more personal, impactful way, aligning my passion with their needs.

This is why I do what I do. It's not just a job; it's my way of helping others truly live their lives to the fullest.

Step 2: Shift Your Mindset. What mindset shift is/was necessary for you going from 9-5 life to becoming an entrepreneur?

Transitioning from a 9-5 to entrepreneurship required me to embrace 7 key mindset shifts:

  1. Embracing uncertainty: I learned to navigate and thrive amidst the unpredictable nature of entrepreneurship, where every day can bring new challenges.
  2. Self-motivation: Moving away from structured employment, I had to find internal motivation to set my own goals and maintain my drive.
  3. Risk tolerance: I embraced the risks associated with entrepreneurship, viewing setbacks as growth opportunities rather than failures.
  4. Continuous learning: Constantly adapting and learning became crucial as I navigated new trends and technologies.
  5. Vision and purpose: I focused on my personal mission, letting my vision guide my daily decisions and actions.
  6. Work-life integration: I learned to balance work and personal life to prevent burnout while pursuing my passions.
  7. Networking and community-building: Building a supportive network from scratch became essential for finding opportunities and belonging.

The mindset shifts were vital for my successful transition to running my own business and living my mission.

clear and organized is how Deanna Wheeler shifted her mindset

Photo by Uby Yanes on Unsplash

Step 3: Narrow Your Options. How did you narrow all your options to land on the business you've chosen?

Choosing to become an entrepreneur was driven by my desire to significantly impact people's lives. Among the various options, I was drawn to teaching meditation and mindfulness because of their transformative effects- both in my life and in the lives of others.

I chose this path because it aligns with my deepest values and passion for mindfulness. It was more than selecting a profession; it was about fulfilling a calling. This clear alignment helped me narrow my options, ensuring that my work wasn't just a job, but a mission to help others live their lives to the fullest.

This clarity made teaching mindfulness the obvious choice for me.

Step 4: Research The Best Fit. Once you narrowed your options down, what type of research led you to your current approach to business (even your branding and/or your ideal client?

After narrowing my focus to teaching meditation and mindfulness, I dove into creating my unique approach and identifying my target audience. I studied a variety of mindfulness practices and traditions, attended workshops, and engaged with other experts to deepen my understanding.

For my branding, I aimed for a design that communicated calmness, clarity, and approachability, reflecting the transformative impact of mindfulness. This was intended to attract clients seeking a deep, personal journey of change.

Identifying my ideal client involved analyzing demographic data and personal observations from my classes to see who benefited most and engaged deeply. This informed my marketing and tailored my services.

I stayed flexible throughout, continuously adapting based on client feedback. This adaptability has been key in growing and evolving my business.

vision of calm and clear like this picture of a bird near water with sun sparkling

Photo by Patti Black on Unsplash

Step 5: Build Your Toolkit. How did you determine what tools you'll need and where did you start?

Building my toolkit as a meditation teacher and mindfulness coach involved 3 key steps:

  1. Marketing tools: I employed social media and email marketing tools to expand my reach and keep my audience engaged with valuable content.
  2. Digital tools: I set up a website, teach virtual classes to engage clients effectively and ensure easy access to my services, and have online payment processing and booking systems in place.
  3. Continuous learning: I continually explore new tools and techniques to improve my business operations- there is always more to learn!

These steps helpful me build a toolkit that supports both my business and the quality of mindfulness training I provide.

Step 6: Take Action. What one piece of advice would you give to anyone working on creating life outside the 9-5 that will help them take action?

Given my journey from a traditional 9-5 job to entrepreneurship, one piece of advice I'd offer to anyone looking to create life outside the 9-5 is to start with a clear, personal mission.

My experience underscores the importance of understanding your "why" - the core reason you want to move away from conventional employment and engage in work that resonates more deeply with your passions and values.

This clear mission has guided my decisions, kept me motivated during the challenging times, and ensured that every action I take is purposeful. Starting with a strong, clear mission will not only guide your strategic choices, but will also inspire and sustain your commitment to crafting a fulfilling life outside the conventional work structure.

Free At 50 calls to action:

  • Subscribe to this blog using the form on the page!
  • Download Free At 50's 6-Step Checklist to Escape the 9-5 if you haven't already!

Find Deanna online:

meditation teacher and mindfulness coach Deanna Wheeler

Group Meditation Sessions

Create Affirm Inspire Idea Book


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