Why You Should Bring Your Authentic Self to Work (Break Away: Focus on Your Why)

Why You Should Bring Your Authentic Self to Work (Break Away: Focus on Your Why)

Oct 09, 2024

Step 3 on the 6-Step Checklist to Escape the 9-5 is Narrow Your Options.

Amanda Brown’s approach to narrowing her options is 1000% focused on Step 1: her why. And as a blogger who is shifting gears and highlighting my passion for history as my focus… I couldn’t agree more.

My journey is completely aligned with Amanda’s advice on being authentic (it’s part of my personal set of guiding principles) and ensuring your happiness.

RELATED: Click here to download the Free At 50 checklist to Escape the 9-5

Free At 50 business going full circle as a blogger

The Free At 50 journey full circle, focusing on my why.

Necessary disclaimer: As a blogger, I use affiliate links sometimes! I may receive commission from purchases I share; it does not change your price but sometimes you might get a discount.

Questions to be answered.

Do you feel like you have been pigeonholed into a particular skill? Is your name the one that pops up when people are looking for a specific skill set? Are you tired of people only seeing one facet of who you are? Are frustrated with not being able to bring your authentic self to work?

That was my story, and I decided it was time to finally break free of being known only as the “administrator”. Now, I am very gifted in this particular skill, and it is something I do that comes very naturally to me. Without extra training, I can administrate, organize, plan, problem-solve, and more.

The problem I faced was that this skill was the only one people came to me for and I knew in my heart that there was much more to myself than that.

In addition to that skill, I also am very good at encouraging others in their giftings, seeing how the small pieces of the big picture fit together, and taking care of young children (I was an elementary teacher in a very former life).

putting all the pieces of the puzzle together and showing your authentic self

Photo by Claudiu Constantin on Unsplash

The need for authenticity goes back further.

In my previous job, I was the administrative assistant, and I was very good at my job.

But I was also frustrated at this job because I knew I was capable of so much more than just administrative work. I worked for a very small company (less than 10 employees). For the first few years, I was never able to attend meetings because I was “just the administrator”.

As I sat at my desk I could hear all of the strategy meetings as they happened, and it was so hard for me to sit at my desk and not have the opportunity to share my thoughts and ideas. This was an organization that I loved very much (and still do love to this day) and I knew I had good ideas to bring to the table. I desired to be a part of the planning process for upcoming events but was only allowed to do the administrative part after things were already planned.

After 5 years with the company, I knew it was time to resign because I was tired of not being able to bring my authentic self to work. Many facets make up who I am, and I was tired of having to stifle parts of myself every day that I came to work.

Deciding to leave finally brought me a level of joy and peace I hadn’t experienced before. I knew it was time for me to leave my 9-5 job and start creating the things that were in my heart.

time to bring your authentic self to work

Photo by Murat Ts. on Unsplash

When I left that job I started working from home on things I was passionate about.

I started a YouTube channel, a blog, and a workbook that are all directed toward women seeing themselves from a positive perspective. While I am using my skill of administration in my work, I am also able to create different projects that bring me joy. I get to spend time creating content, brushing up on a variety of skills that I choose, and I was able to publish my first workbook.

Recently I was invited to take on a bigger role at a women’s group that I am a part of. This past year I was just an attendee for the weekly meetings. I was given the opportunity to either be a part of the administrative team or be a group leader when our next session starts. I chose to be a group leader as it will allow me to use some of the other skills that I have, and not put myself back into an administrative-only position.

I share all of this because I want to give you permission to start seeing yourself as more than just one skill. It is also time for you to permit yourself to bring your authentic self to work. We all have different skills and abilities that we are better at than others, but you shouldn’t be forced to only bring one part of yourself to work.

many flowers many skills not just one

Photo credit, Daphne Reznik

Embrace your skills. All of them.

One way to break free of this “one-skill only” mindset is by discovering and embracing all of the facets of who you are. Recognize that you have been born with many different gifts, skills, and abilities.

Don’t allow yourself or others to stifle parts of who you are regarding how you think and operate. Just because other people don’t recognize the great things that are in you doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t recognize your greatness.

If you are at a job experiencing burnout, it may be time to start reflecting on why.

  • Do you have to leave parts of your mind at home?
  • Do you only get to operate from one skillset (even though you have many)?
  • Is that season over and it is time to start moving into something new?

I want to encourage you today that you are more than just one gift, skill, or ability.

It’s time to embrace the vastness of who you are and stop making yourself small. There is something in you that the world needs, so don’t hide parts of yourself to please those around you. Pleasing others can lead to the destruction of yourself.

The time is now to start moving in the direction of living (and working) the life that you desire; the life that allows you to be fully you.

Reach Amanda:

Amanda Brown guest author and YouTube creator


Website for the blog and links to Amanda's products



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